Saturday, October 17, 2009

Welcome Maelie

Maelie was born October 4 at 4 pm weighing 7 pounds, 18 inches long. She was born very, very fast after being in labor for about 10 hours, which is a long story. My OB doctor didn't even make it! She is perfect in every way and we feel so blessed she is part of our family forever. I have enjoyed these past 2 weeks and I am sad I have to go back to work Monday, but Maelie is coming with me which makes it easier. Drew and Skyler absolutely love her and help out so much.
Thank you for all your gifts, cards, phone calls, visits, meals, support and love. We love you all!


Amanda said...

She is absolutely adorable!!!! I can't wait to hold her.

Samantha said...

Mae she's beautiful!! congratulations! Did you listen to sarah mc. during your delivery? I'm so happy for your family!

Dance Like No One is Watching said...

I want to see her soooo bad. She is so cute!

Sam and Stacia said...

Mae, your as bad as me on catching up with blogging! haha :) Maelie is beautiful and I love getting to see her at work everyday and watch her grow. Too bad they don't stay tiny forever