Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer is here!?

I have not blogged anything for that long!? Where does the time go?!?! I guess FB has replaced my blogging, although I still read everyones blog.
I had to put Skyler's Kindergarten Graduation pic on here since it is just so dang cute and marks the beginning of the Summer break, which has been so much fun already. We have done alot even though they have only been out of school one month. It has been nice to work three days a week which allows us to do so much more together.
John, Drew and I did a 5K which was fun to do together. I am not running as fast or as much now that I am 23 weeks along, but I am still running. We found out a month ago that we are having a GIRL. We can't wait...less than four months to go. YAY!!


House of Ham's said...

You guys look so cute & ready for the race! I cannot believe you are 23 weeks already! Time does fly! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Awesome to see you guys doin well! A hearty congrats to you guys

keep on keepin on!

Samantha said...

Mae I am just so excited for you to be pregnant! And a little girl!! That's so so great.

Dance Like No One is Watching said...

I am so excited For this weekend!! we are going to have so much fun! i am Also excited I am going to have a new Girl cousin!

Love is all you need said...

Yay a girl!! why do you not have a belly skinny girl?? I hope I am here to meet her.. we all need to do lunch again before I move.. which is probably in August??